Hi Priyal,

On Mon, 1 Dec 2014 09:29:44 +0000
Priyal Jain <jpri...@juniper.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> For establishing ssh session between client and server, which is better
> method: 1. Net::SSH2 :
> http://search.cpan.org/~rkitover/Net-SSH2-0.53/lib/Net/SSH2.pm 2. Expect :
> http://search.cpan.org/~rgiersig/Expect-1.15/Expect.pod
> What are the advantages of using Net::SSH2 over Expect??

I believe in general, using an SSH module (either Net-SSH2 or a different one -
see http://perl-begin.org/uses/remote-login-and-commands/#ssh ) is better than
trying to wrap the command line client using Expect, because it works at the
protocol level.


        Shlomi Fish

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 <Su-Shee>  rindolf: yeah because Perl’s crypt() is TOTALLY different from all
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 <rindolf>  Su-Shee: crypts are like snowflakes - no one alike.
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