The program I'm writing (my first in Perl) takes a log file and using a
regex pulls out all lines that contains certain words and writes them to a
file.  Then I read in that file, seperate out the fields I want (IP address
and method), and want to eliminate the duplicates, and add a count to show
how many there were.  I'm evaluating string variable against each other for

if ($client ne $newclient and $method ne $newmethod){
print "something\n";                                    #I'll actually be
printing this to my report once I get this worked out

Then at the end of each loop I add the values of the strings I pulled out of
each line to my $new... variables and loop again.

Problem is that this seems to work for only the first set of variables and
ignores the ones after the "and".  For instance $method could be either
CMD.EXE or ROOT.EXE.  Any ideas?  I added a line of code to show what the
strings $newclient and $newmethod contain at each loop and it is correct, so
I'm a little confused.


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