I'm afraid a bit more context is needed to identify the problem. Could you
post your entire bit of code into a gist or pastebin or something for us to
On Feb 27, 2015 9:52 PM, "Martin G. McCormick" <
mar...@server1.shellworld.net> wrote:

>         I put together an anonymous subroutine which partly
> works. There is an array called @tasks which is defined as a
> local variable in the main routine and when I call the anonymous
> subroutine, one can still read all the elements in @tasks.
>         There is also a single scaler called $task, also created
> in main and a foreach loop
> foreach $task (@tasks) {    #may be a lease
>     @results = whatisit($task);
>     if ( $results[0] eq "IP" ) {    #This could be bootP or dynamic.
>         $numerical_lookup = ipaddr_to_num($task);
>         @dynamics         = netfind($numerical_lookup);
>         #dynamics[1] has a value when this is a dynamic lease.
>         if ( $dynamics[1] ) {       #It's dynamic.
> &$report_dynamic;
>         }         #It's dynamic.
>         else {    #static
> &$report_static;
>         }    #static
>     }    #This could be bootP or dynamic.
> All the code in my sample that you see does work as it should
> and gets you to either the report_dynamic orreport_static
> anonymous subs. Here is the beginning of the report_static
> subroutine. First I declare a local variable in main to use for
> the name of the anonymous subroutine.
> my $report_static;
> That is fine. The trouble starts immediately when the subroutine
> does.
>     $report_static = sub {#What is at this static address?
>             @hostnames = revdns($task);
> That's where things explode. If I trace each step in that
> subroutine, I can still read @tasks but $task has disappeared
> the instant I am in the report_static subroutine.
>         This is a pretty large application, about 1230 lines and
> the logic did work when it all was part of main.
>         I would at least think I understood what was happening
> if both the @tasks array and the $task scaler became undefined
> in report_static but only the scaler goes "poof!" What I was
> hoping for was for the loop in the main portion to select which
> element in @tasks was used and the anonymous subroutine would do
> what it needed to do just as it had done when it was all in
> main.
>         I am familiar with declaring my $variable; or our
> $variable; if one shares variables between subroutines but I
> just assumed that in an anonymous subroutine, one was still
> working with the same scope as the variables in the routine that
> called the subroutine.
>         Thanks for any constructive suggestions.
> Martin McCormick
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