Hi Sherman,

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 14:42:54 -0600
Sherman Willden <sherman.will...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to use perl with mysql. I have a tutorial open which prompted
> me to perform the following.
> $ sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
> cpan> install DBI
> cpan[2]> install DBD::mysql
> DBI installed. The 'install DBD::mysql' failed. Is DBD part of DBI? What am
> I missing?

DBI stands for Data-Base Interface and is a unified SQL-databases' access API
for Perl 5 with several backends for the APIs of each database providers. These
backends are called "Database Drivers" or "DBDs". There's DBD::mysql, DBD::Pg ,
DBD::SQLite and many others - see https://metacpan.org/search?q=dbd , and "DBD"
by itself is not a thing.

> The DBD run is in the attached installlation-help.txt file
> Thank you;
> Sherman

What is your operating system, its version, its Linux/etc. distribution, perl,
perl version, etc.? There may be a better way to install this CPAN module there:

* http://perl-begin.org/topics/cpan/

(Note: perl-begin.org a domain that I originated and maintain.).


        Shlomi Fish

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