Vincent Lequertier <> writes:

> Le 2015-04-26 14:27, lee a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> how can I create a libreoffice spreadsheet with perl?  There seem to be
>> two modules for it, yet none of them seems to let you do it --- if they
>> do, the documentation doesn't have any example of how to do it.
>> The alternative seems to be to write MS excel files, and I don't really
>> want to resort to that.
>> --
>> Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
>> might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.
> This module let you create ods spreadsheets.

Thank you, that looks quite promising :)

Do you know any way to have libreoffice display images in a document
when I specify the URL of an image file which resides on a web server?
Apparently, best it can do is only to display the URL as hyperlink,
which, of course, is very useless.  The spreadsheet I need to create
will contain such URLs.

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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