Hi Shiome.I'm the very, very beginner in Perl. In moment i can't help you. 
I'm iniciate study in Perl on this week.


     Em Quinta-feira, 30 de Julho de 2015 18:27, Shlomi Fish 
<shlo...@shlomifish.org> escreveu:

 Hi David,

see below for my comments on your code.

On Thu, 30 Jul 2015 22:14:55 +0200
David Emanuel da Costa Santiago <deman...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Hello,
> I'm developing a perl yenc encoder but unfortunatelly it's not having
> the performance i was expecting to have (and it's CPU heavy).
> Can i get some help improving it's performance?
> This is the code i have (41 lines).
> Initially i though about memoize it, but unfortunately i don't think
> it's possible.
> Replacing the for loop with a map, would be a good option? Does anybody
> has any idea to improve it's performance?
> Regards,
> David Santiago
> CODE: The following function receives a binary string.
> ####
> my @YENC_CHAR_MAP = map{($_+42)%256;} (0..0xffff);

$X % 256 can also be written as ($X & 0xFF) (and should be a bit faster). Also
note that you can easily use (@LIST) x $N to repeat it here.

> sub _yenc_encode{
>  my ($string) = @_;
>  my $column = 0;
>  my $content = '';
>  my @hexString = unpack('W*',$string); #Converts binary string to hex
>  for my $hexChar (@hexString) {

Since @hexString is used only once, you can put it inside the for :

    for my $hexChar (unpack('W*',$string)) {

>    my $char= $YENC_CHAR_MAP[$hexChar];
>     #null || LF || CR || =
>    if ($char == 0 || $char == 10 || $char == 13 || $char == 61 ||

Since you have many $char == $X || $char == $Y , you can convert it to a hash
or in your case using perldoc -f vec may do the trick:


>     # TAB || SPC
>     (($char == 9 || $char == 32) && ($column == $YENC_NNTP_LINESIZE
>     || $column==0)) || 
>      ($char==46 && $column==0) # . 
>     ) {
>      $content =$content. '=';

This can be written as:

    $content .= '=';

>      $column+=1;


>      $char=($char + 64);#%256;

    $char += 64;

>    }
>    $content = $content.chr $char;

    $content .= chr($char);

>    $column+=1;


>    if ($column>= $YENC_NNTP_LINESIZE ) {
>      $column=0;
>      $content = $content."\r\n";

    $content .= "\r\n";

And note that \r\n is not very portable:

>    }
>  }
>  return $content;
> }

Finally, note that you may opt to write such speed-critical code in C or C++ and
bind it to Perl using XS or Inline::C :

* https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Inline-C/lib/Inline/C.pod


    Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish      http://www.shlomifish.org/
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