On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 5:24 AM, Chris Knipe <sav...@savage.za.org> wrote:

> my $numBytesToRead = 512;
> my $buffer;
> while ($bytesRead = read($TCPSocket, $buffer, $numBytesToRead)) {
>   if ($buffer =~ m/\r\n\.\r\n$/) {
>     print $buffer;
>     last;
>   }
> }
> I’m obviously doing this wrong :(  Can anyone perhaps show me the light?
Don't you need to put $bytesRead into $buffer at some point?


*John Anderson* • j...@genehack.org • *@genehack* • www.genehack.org
Suck it up, buttercup.

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