Can you share a simple of JSON file and from that let us know what you want to 

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015, 3:41 PM perl kamal 
<<>> wrote:
++Subject & Thanks.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:08 AM, perl kamal 
<<>> wrote:

I am trying to read a json output file,capture the required information, 
storing them in an array and format the output in a file.
Please review my code and suggest me is there any way to construct the hash 
data structure and use them in the file format.
Instead of this (shift @Data_Sources||''), can we use keys or values.of the 


use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my $file = shift || 'input_file.txtt'; # Attachement


open my $in, '<', "$file" or die $!;
open(FIN_ADV, '>', '/tmp/JsonToTxt.txt') or die "Can't open the file:$!\n";

while (<$in>)

#Stats For PayrollServicesDS
  if ( $_ =~ /Stats\s+For\s+(.*)/) {
  $data_source = $1;
    push @Min_Data_Sources, $data_source;

push (@Data_Sources,$1) if (/Test\:(.*)/);

 if ( /Test\:(?:.*)/ .. / \"outcome\"/ ) {

  my $status = $1 if ($_ =~ /\"outcome\"\s+\=\>(.*)/) ;
  $status =~ s/[",]//g;
 push @Test_DB_Con_Status, ($status) if defined $status;


 @Stat_Data_Sources = @Data_Sources ;

 next unless ($_ =~ /"max-pool-size" |"min-pool-size" /);

 if ($_ =~ /"max-pool-size"/) {
my $max_value = $1 if ($_ =~ /.*\=\>(.*)/) ;
$max_value =~ s/[",]//g;
push @Max_Conns, $max_value;

if ($_ =~ /"min-pool-size"/) {
my $min_value = $1  if ($_ =~ /.*\=\>(.*)/) ;
$min_value =~ s/[",]//g;

push @Min_Conns, $min_value;


 if(my $FORMAT_LINES_LEFT == 10)
  print FIN_ADV_TOP "Data source Statistics\n";

#Fin Adv Report
format FIN_ADV_TOP =


format FIN_ADV =

                LIST DATSOURCES
                (shift @Data_Sources||'')

    LIST DATSOURCES         Test DatasourceConnection
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~        @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
(shift @Stat_Data_Sources),(shift @Test_DB_Con_Status||'')

                Data source Statistics
NAME                         Min Connection         Max Connection
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~    @|||||||||~~        @|||||||||~~
(shift @Min_Data_Sources||''),(shift @Min_Conns||''),(shift @Max_Conns||'')

$= = 37;
#$^L = "\n";
write ;

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