Thank you both very much for your help. I'll investigate this way when I
get home later (I'm a bit wary of hashes because they're weird).

As my files are sorted numerically I managed to do the following (it's
ugly, please don't shout at me):

my $length = (scalar @New)-1;
#print $length;
push (my @other, @New[0]);
foreach (@New){
chop ($_);
#print "$_\n";

my $i = 0; my $ii = 1;
foreach (@New[1 .. $length]) {
#foreach (@New){
if ($_ ne $New[$i]){
push (@other, (join "", $_,"1"));
elsif ($_ eq $New[$i]){
push (@other, (join "", $_,$ii));
foreach (@other){
print "$_\n";

This gave me the desired output. Like I said, I'll investigate the other
way later...


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Jim Gibson <> wrote:

> > On Feb 9, 2016, at 6:08 AM, James Kerwin <> wrote:
> >
> > Afternoon all,
> >
> > I have the following problem:
> >
> > I have an array containing a list of non-unique strings. eg:
> >
> > @array Contains:
> >
> > 111111_
> > 222222_
> > 333333_
> > 333333_
> > 333333_
> > 444444_
> > 444444_
> > 555555_
> >
> > What I would like to do is number each element of the array to look as
> follows:
> >
> > 111111_1
> > 222222_1
> > 333333_1
> > 333333_2
> > 333333_3
> > 444444_1
> > 444444_2
> > 555555_1
> >
> > I have so far tried to use "exists", while loops and all the usual stuff
> as it seemed very simple at first. My attempts have mostly focused on
> equating the current element of the array with the previous one and asking
> if they are equal and then taking action. I just can't get the logic right
> though. I keep getting them all numbered sequentially from 1 to 10 or they
> all end in "_2" or alternating "_1" and "_2" If anybody could shed even the
> smallest glimmer of light on how to solve this I'd be really grateful.
> You should define a hash with the strings as keys and the number of
> strings encountered in the array so far as the hash value. You can then add
> the number to each string as you iterate over the array and increment the
> hash value count.
> Jim Gibson
> --
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