On 02/11/2016 19:35, Andy Bach wrote:

On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Mark Coetser <m...@tux-edo.co.za
<mailto:m...@tux-edo.co.za>> wrote:


    my $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN);
    my $error = ($@ || $parser->last_error);

    #get email headers

my ($header, $body);

{ local $/ = "";
 $header = <STDIN>;
 undef $/;
$body = <STDIN>;

Seems like you've already consumed STDIN in the parser, so there's
nothing left in your local block to copy.  My guess is you want to print
$entity to MAIL.  Note, you should always use a conditional on open
stmts, often
open(my $mh, "|$sendmail $vac) or die "can't exec $sendmail: $!";

Using a lexical, instead of a NAME is modern perl, you still do
print $mh "header: ...

maybe (perldoc MIME::Parser):
         ### Congratulations: you now have a (possibly multipart) MIME
           $entity->dump_skeleton;          # for debugging

Again thanks for the help, to simply things how can I read stdin into a variable that I could parse twice. I tried to simplfy things as follows but get the same result..


my $vacation_forward = "vacation\@domain.com";

open(OUT, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail $vacation_forward") or die ("Can't sendmail - $!");
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
    $email_addr_to = $1 if $line =~ /^To: (.*)$/;
    print OUT;
close (OUT);

if ($email_addr_to) {
    print "$email_addr_to\n";

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