
Yes, I was using a ref with my dumper. When i don't do that I don't get $VAR1 = 
\{ .
I am still getting an error when I dereference.

    my $name = ${$hash_ref_decode}->{items}[0]{content};

    say '$name'. $name; 

The error is:

Not a SCALAR reference at todoist.pl line 79.
but it should be a scalar right? Am i missing something? When I dump the 
$hash_ref I get:

$VAR1 = {
          'temp_id_mapping' => {},
          'reminders' => [],
          'day_orders' => {
                            '62650309' => 2,
                            '65024510' => 1,
                            '65031243' => 3,
                            '64426670' => 1,
                            '59893732' => 0,
                            '62220067' => 2,
                            '63987563' => 2,
                            '62650223' => 1,
                            '62037130' => 1,
                            '61447674' => 1,
                            '62344326' => 3,
                            '60560853' => 1,
                            '65026440' => 2,
                            '62220110' => 3,
                            '59893724' => 1,
                            '62426193' => 4,
                            '61838136' => 1,
                            '61536667' => 1,
                            '62244426' => 2
          'collaborators' => [],
          'project_notes' => [],
          'labels' => [],
          'projects' => [
                            'has_more_notes' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 
'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
                            'is_archived' => 0,
                            'shared' => 
                            'item_order' => 0,
                            'collapsed' => 0,
                            'inbox_project' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 
'JSON::PP::Boolean' ),
                            'name' => 'Inbox',
                            'color' => 7,
                            'parent_id' => undef,
                            'indent' => 1,
                            'is_deleted' => 0,
                            'id' => 182640304
                            'color' => 8,
                            'parent_id' => undef,
                            'indent' => 1,
                            'is_deleted' => 0,
                            'id' => 182640305,
                            'has_more_notes' => 
                            'is_archived' => 0,
                            'shared' => 
                            'item_order' => 1,
                            'name' => 'Personal',
                            'collapsed' => 0
                            'id' => 183055698,
                            'color' => 7,
                            'parent_id' => undef,
                            'is_deleted' => 0,
                            'indent' => 1,
                            'item_order' => 2,
                            'shared' => 
                            'collapsed' => 0,
                            'name' => 'Education',
                            'has_more_notes' => 
                            'is_archived' => 0
                            'is_deleted' => 0,
                            'indent' => 1,
                            'color' => 7,
                            'parent_id' => undef,
                            'id' => 184048867,
                            'is_archived' => 0,
                            'has_more_notes' => 
                            'item_order' => 3,
                            'shared' => 
                            'name' => 'Studio',
                            'collapsed' => 0
          'collaborator_states' => [],
          'notes' => [],
          'items' => [
                         'day_order' => 0,
                         'date_added' => 'Sat 08 Oct 2016 04:53:27 +0000',
                         'priority' => 1,
                         'content' => 'Practice pilates',
                         'date_string' => 'every day',
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'id' => 59893732,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'item_order' => 1,
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'project_id' => 182640305,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Wed 09 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'assigned_by_uid' => 9494206,
                         'labels' => [],
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206
                         'priority' => 4,
                         'date_added' => 'Fri 21 Oct 2016 02:10:29 +0000',
                         'day_order' => 1,
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 9',
                         'content' => 'Add neuro development pic to class 
design mat1',
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'id' => 62037130,
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'labels' => [],
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'item_order' => 4,
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Wed 09 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'project_id' => 183055698
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 9',
                         'content' => 'Design billboard',
                         'priority' => 1,
                         'date_added' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 00:33:14 +0000',
                         'day_order' => -1,
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'labels' => [],
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'project_id' => 184048867,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Wed 09 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'item_order' => 1,
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'id' => 65014252
                         'priority' => 1,
                         'day_order' => 1,
                         'date_added' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 02:14:11 +0000',
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 8',
                         'content' => 'look for Suzanne foot video',
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'id' => 65024510,
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'item_order' => 5,
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'project_id' => 183055698,
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'labels' => [],
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'checked' => 0
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 8',
                         'content' => 'Write Andrew about Taiwan course',
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'priority' => 1,
                         'date_added' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 02:39:05 +0000',
                         'day_order' => 2,
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'labels' => [],
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'item_order' => 6,
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'project_id' => 183055698,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'id' => 65026440
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 8',
                         'content' => 'Email Michele about March workshops',
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'priority' => 1,
                         'date_added' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 03:39:02 +0000',
                         'day_order' => 3,
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'project_id' => 183055698,
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'item_order' => 7,
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'labels' => [],
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'id' => 65031243,
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'is_deleted' => 0
                         'checked' => 0,
                         'user_id' => 9494206,
                         'labels' => [],
                         'assigned_by_uid' => undef,
                         'in_history' => 0,
                         'date_lang' => 'en',
                         'due_date_utc' => 'Wed 09 Nov 2016 15:59:59 +0000',
                         'project_id' => 184048867,
                         'sync_id' => undef,
                         'item_order' => 2,
                         'collapsed' => 0,
                         'all_day' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
                         'parent_id' => undef,
                         'indent' => 1,
                         'is_deleted' => 0,
                         'id' => 65044250,
                         'has_more_notes' => 
                         'is_archived' => 0,
                         'responsible_uid' => undef,
                         'content' => 'Take tools to studio fix reformer #',
                         'date_string' => 'Nov 9',
                         'date_added' => 'Tue 08 Nov 2016 06:08:24 +0000',
                         'day_order' => -1,
                         'priority' => 1
          'full_sync' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'inbox_project'},
          'locations' => [],
          'user' => {
                      'is_biz_admin' => 
                      'full_name' => 'Derrick Cope',
                      'id' => 9494206,
                      'mobile_host' => undef,
                      'next_week' => 1,
                      'karma' => '1481',
                      'completed_count' => 46,
                      'image_id' => undef,
                      'inbox_project' => 182640304,
                      'features' => {
                                      'restriction' => 0,
                                      'has_push_reminders' => 
                                      'beta' => 0
                      'tz_info' => {
                                     'hours' => 8,
                                     'timezone' => 'Asia/Harbin',
                                     'gmt_string' => '+08:00',
                                     'minutes' => 0,
                                     'is_dst' => 0
                      'join_date' => 'Sat 08 Oct 2016 04:50:01 +0000',
                      'auto_reminder' => 30,
                      'sort_order' => 0,
                      'token' => '50f3bdb6015bc0ebbbc112ba79f8ce2139f920c8',
                      'is_premium' => $VAR1->{'projects'}[0]{'has_more_notes'},
                      'start_page' => 'overdue, today',
                      'mobile_number' => undef,
                      'email' => 'derr...@thecopes.me',
                      'premium_until' => undef,
                      'business_account_id' => undef,
                      'time_format' => 1,
                      'start_day' => 7,
                      'theme' => 3,
                      'date_format' => 1,
                      'daily_goal' => 5,
                      'completed_today' => 2,
                      'karma_trend' => 'up',
                      'default_reminder' => 'push'
          'filters' => [
                           'query' => ':to_me:',
                           'name' => 'Assigned to me',
                           'id' => 12152323,
                           'item_order' => 1,
                           'color' => 12,
                           'is_deleted' => 0
                           'color' => 12,
                           'is_deleted' => 0,
                           'query' => ':to_others:',
                           'id' => 12152324,
                           'item_order' => 2,
                           'name' => 'Assigned to others'
                           'query' => 'priority 1',
                           'name' => 'Priority 1',
                           'item_order' => 3,
                           'id' => 12152325,
                           'color' => 6,
                           'is_deleted' => 0
                           'name' => 'Priority 2',
                           'item_order' => 4,
                           'id' => 12152326,
                           'query' => 'priority 2',
                           'is_deleted' => 0,
                           'color' => 6
                           'is_deleted' => 0,
                           'color' => 6,
                           'item_order' => 5,
                           'id' => 12152327,
                           'name' => 'Priority 3',
                           'query' => 'priority 3'
                           'color' => 6,
                           'is_deleted' => 0,
                           'query' => 'priority 4',
                           'name' => 'Priority 4',
                           'item_order' => 6,
                           'id' => 12152328
                           'name' => 'View all',
                           'item_order' => 7,
                           'id' => 12152329,
                           'query' => 'view all',
                           'is_deleted' => 0,
                           'color' => 6
                           'query' => 'no date',
                           'item_order' => 8,
                           'id' => 12152330,
                           'name' => 'No due date',
                           'color' => 6,
                           'is_deleted' => 0
          'live_notifications' => [
                                      'notification_type' => 'karma_level',
                                      'is_deleted' => 0,
                                      'id' => 7052811,
                                      'notification_key' => 'karma_level_1',
                                      'created' => 1476757922,
                                      'seq_no' => 9215772664,
                                      'promo_img' => 
                                      'karma_level' => 1
          'live_notifications_last_read_id' => 0,
          'sync_token' => 
          'day_orders_timestamp' => '1478576342.13'

On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 12:01:04AM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
> On 11/07/2016 10:55 PM, derr...@thecopes.me wrote:
> > I have an object that I am receiving from LWP::UserAgent::Post
> > that looks like the below, there is more but this is the important part. Am 
> > I correct in saying this is an array of hashes in a hash? I want to get 
> > some of the values of the 0 element of 'items'. I tried 
> > $$hash_ref{'items'}[0]{'content'} to get 'Practice pilates' but I got an 
> > error.
> > 
> >      Experimental keys on scalar is now forbidden at todoist.pl line 79.
> > 
> > Am I on the right track? I am just learning about dereferencing now as I go 
> > through the intermediate perl book. I tried adding curling braces in 
> > different places but so far nothing works.
> > Thanks for any help
> > 
> > Derrick Cope
> > 
> > $VAR1 = \{
> you should also post the code used to call data::dumper. the odd thing above
> is the \{ which means you dumped a scalar reference to a hash ref. that may
> not be what you are expecting.
> you may have added the extra ref in your dumping or don't see how to
> dereference it back.
> if that dump is accurate you first need to get the hash reference out of the
> scalar reference:
>     ${$sref}
> then you can access items but you need to use -> to be clearer:
>     ${$sref}->{items}
> the rest is as you show (but i didn't test it).
> in general don't use the $$foo method of dereferencing. always use -> when
> possible and i always use {} for dereferencing single things to make it
> clear.
> uri
> -- 
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Derrick Cope

--from my mutt

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