On Oct 30, 2001 at 11:01 +0530, Rajesh took the soap box and proclaimed:
: Hi All,
:           I am trying to use an array of  class::Struct as a member of
: another Class::Struct.
: This is something like a "array of strcutures within structure" in C.
: The code is like:
: use Class::Struct;
: struct Employee => {
:       name => '$",
:       num => '$',
: };
: struct Dept => {
:       employees =>  '????'    # should be array of Employee structs.  But
: dont know how to declare the array of class::struct Employee here.
:       no_of_emp => '$',
: };

Remember that an object is just a scalar value.  Therefore, if you
want a list of scalar values, you just need an array.  Here is an

  use Class::Struct;

  struct Employee => {
    name => '$',
    num  => '$',

  struct Dept => {
    employees => '@',
    no_of_emp => '$',

  my @employees = (
    Employee->new( name => 'Casey', num => 1 ),
    Employee->new( name => 'Kevin', num => 0 ),

  my $dept = Dept->new(
    employees => \@employees,
    no_of_emp => scalar @employees

  print $dept->employees->[0]->name, "\n";


  Casey West

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