
        I am working on a script that uses the backticks to execute a shell command, 
and I want to output the results to a webpage. The problem I am having is that the 
command I am running seems to take too long and the cgi does not return anything for 
that variable. Is there a way to make the backtickes wait longer or is there a better 
way to do this? I have tried the system command, but with similar results of empty 


    @ips = ("","");
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html>\n<body>\n";
    print "<pre>\n";
    foreach $ip (@ips){
      $results = `/usr/bin/dig -x $ip | /usr/bin/grep PTR`;
      $test = `echo foo`;
      print "\n";
      print "result: \"$results\"\n";
      print "test:   $test\n";
      print "\n";
    print "</pre>\n";
    print "</body>\n</html>\n";

Here is the output from running it from shell, the values are all correct:

    Content-type: text/html
    result: "  10h37m56s IN PTR  www.linux.org.
    test:   foo
    result: "  23h59m16s IN PTR  www.google.com.
    test:   foo

Here is the source code from the page that is generated, the values are blank:

    result: ""
    test:   foo
    result: ""
    test:   foo


=-= Robert Thompson

PS, I have tried running the cgi again once the IP addresses are cached (so they go 
quicker), but it still does the same thing so "too slow" is probably not acurate.

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