> On Dec 7, 2017, at 3:39 PM, Andy Bach <afb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> meaning, you added:
> use lib q{/home/user/.cpanm/};

        Well, no.  That one didn't work.  I had to be specific about where 
CGI::Carp was installed to get it to work:

use lib '/home/user/.cpanm/work/1512448551.26554/CGI-4.38/lib';

> Right, so that's your 500 error. But you added the same line in the original 
> (before the use Carp line?) and it *didn't* fix the problem?  Can you sym 
> link the .cpanm dir under one of those @INC dirs.   Hm, there's also an 
> PERL5LIB env var you can set to add libraries (maybe in the webserver config).

        I've read about those, but I'd rather not jerry rig this install just 
to get it to work.  I've been using perlbrew on my Mac (with 5 different perls) 
for years without incident, so that's why I'm at a loss as to what's happening 
on this VPS.  Maybe I should just cut my losses, delete everything, and start 
over.  I just hate doing that after spending so much time on something.  It's 
like admitting defeat and giving up. ;)

        I just thought to compare the install on my Mac with the one on the VPS 
and the binaries of perlbrew are exactly the same, but the binaries for 
patchperl and cpanm are wildly different from each other.  Are these customized 
during installation for the platform that running?  If not, would it be safe to 
copy my known good copies over to the server (Mac vs Linux)?

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