Perl  and are not in need of replacement?
BTW what is happening to Julian Assange?

et Brutus! part of big brother scam.. ?

On 2018-05-23 12:33 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
"2) It’s not “shutting down” so much as it is being replaced by the existing MetaCPAN search site. This is positive news about the future of Perl: an older, less capable tool has been replaced" has some disadvantages compared with, and some missing features, so it is not positive news for everybody.

Unlike, metacpan doesn't use a heading for each record found, so it is much harder to navigate among the found results when using a screen reader.

Metacpan's interface is not as standard as's interface. After searching something and the results are shown, it is less intuitive where begins the group of links for a record (module or distribution) and where it ends, especially that the number of links differ among different modules/distributions found. If the interface is made intuitive just by using different colors for different things or by a special positioning on site, these things doesn't met the web accessibility guidelines, and are useless for the blind.

These disadvantages are there for many years, there is no contact data where they can be reported easy, the soft behind metacpan is open source so if somebody don't like something might be invited to make the improvements himself, with the efforts involved, and this while there is a more accessible solution already that don't need any effort to be used. Plus that with its current non-intuitive interface where the results found are not similar, it could be even harder to do the necessary improvements. Which of the links in a result should appear as heading, so the screen reader users should be able to jump among easier? The distribution name appears in all results, but it is usually not very relevant. More relevant are the module names, but for each record there may be one or more modules displayed and it would be not good to mark them all as headings, because they all point to the same distribution. On it was a very good solution to be able to choose to display each module as a distinct record, or each distribution as a distinct record, depending on what you need.

In the pages that describe the modules, the text is badly formatted to look nicer just for the sighted, but it is hard to understand by the blind.

Here is how a description text appears like for screen readers:

link MyKwikiFormatter
link base

'link CGI::Kwiki::Formatter'

... while it should be looking like:

package MyKwikiFormatter;
use base 'CGI::Kwiki::Formatter';

This is because some parts of the text like module names appear as links, which are read by the screen reader as text on distinct lines, with the word "link" before them.

And there are also other smaller things that metacpan to look worse, for example for the <h1> elements for NAME, DESCRIPTION  etc, instead to appear just a single time as links in a level 1 heading, they appear twice and they are read like:


even if I don't know why, because #NAME appears just as a value of the href attribute, but who knows what are doing the JS and CSS code...


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