Hi Martin,

commenting on your code:

On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 08:51:08 -0500
"Martin McCormick" <marti...@suddenlink.net> wrote:

>       Before I take this too far, I want to make sure I am not
> doing something wrong with use of the Device::SerialPort module
> in perl.
>       The code below talks to what it thinks is a RS-232 serial
> port and controlls a radio scanner so that one can program the
> scanner's settings and enter frequency and operational data.
> Don't worry about all that.  It used to work on debian stretch
> which is last year's version of debian.  After an upgrade to
> buster which is this year's version, also known as debian 10, all
> RS-232 ports appear to be dead.  Interestingly enough, a debian
> system running stretch, containing perl was upgraded to buster
> and serial communications between that system and a native serial
> port on it's mother board are fine.  The very same code ported to
> the buster system also fails with
> Can't call method "baudrate" on an undefined value at /home/martin/etc/mm
> line 121.
>       It doesn't matter what serial port or whether it is
> native mother board hardware or what.  Serial ports are all
> broken right now.
>       Here is the scanner control code.  I am sending it to see
> if I am using some deprecated method that is wrong to set the
> serial port or we really do have big trouble.
>       Thanks for any and all constructive ideas.  Code follows:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w

See https://perl-begin.org/tutorials/bad-elements/#the-dash-w-flag .

> use strict;


> use warnings::unused;
> use File::Basename;
> use File::Copy;
> use File::Spec;
> use Time::Local;
> use Device::SerialPort;

Use explicit imports -

> sub waitfor {    #Receive from serial port.
>     my $received = "";
>     our $port;

"our" inside a function?

>     until ( "" ne $received ) {

double negative and perhaps use
>         $received = $port->lookfor;
>     }
>     return ($received);
> }    #Receive from serial port.
> #no more sub routine code past this point
> #main global variables
> our @dbstrings;
> #main local variables
> my $response;
> my $cmd    = "";
> my $ONEARG = "";
> #my $counter = 1;
> #Setup the comm port.
> my $dev = "/dev/ttyACM0";
> our $instring = "";
> our $port     = Device::SerialPort->new("$dev");

why our?
> $port->baudrate(115200);
> $port->databits(8);
> $port->parity("none");
> $port->stopbits(1);
> $port->handshake("none");
> $port->read_const_time(500);    # 500 milliseconds = 0.5 seconds
> $port->are_match( "\r", "\n", );    # possible end strings
> foreach $ONEARG (@ARGV) {           #each argument

see https://perl-begin.org/tutorials/bad-elements/#non_lexical_loop_iterators

>     $ONEARG =~ s/^\s+//;
>     $ONEARG =~ s/\s+$//;

perhaps use \A and \z

>     $cmd = $cmd . " " . $ONEARG;

use ".="

>     $cmd =~ s/^\s+//;
>     $cmd =~ s/\s+$//;
> }    #each argument
> $cmd = uc $cmd;
> $port->write("$cmd\r");
> $instring = waitfor;

see https://perl-begin.org/tutorials/bad-elements/#declaring_all_vars_at_top .

> my @chars = split( "", $instring );
> foreach my $char (@chars) {    #
>     #print ord($char);
>     if ( $char =~ /[\,\s\.\-\+\_0-9A-Za-z]/ ) {    #printable
>         $response = $response . $char;

use .= and you can use https://perldoc.perl.org/functions/join.html and regex
matches. it is good that you follow
>     }    #printable
> }    #
> print "$response\n";
> $instring = "";
> exit(0);

Why the assignment right before exiting? 

I'm not sure if any of the issues I pointed are the culprit.

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