Thanks Dave and Mike,

I am using Net::Google::Spreadsheets and all the associated modules and
yeah there

I slept on this and then managed to see what could be seen this morning:

print Dumper($ws[0]{atom});
print Dumper($ws[0]{container});

I should have been a bit clearer on what I was hoping to do (although I
think it can't be easily done) by digging around for what was there and
you're right that I should use the methods provided. I did start with a
method that allowed me to grab a list of the worksheet names, so I thought
if I looked around I might find a list of worksheet "gid's"

It's just that the methods provided don't seem to do what I want. Each
worksheet within a spreadsheet has its own "gid" in the URL of that
particular worksheet. I was trying to find either the URL or gid value in
order to provide a link directly to a newly created worksheet. At the
moment I've used a link to the spreadsheet and the user must navigate to
the new worksheet. It's not a huge issue, but it would have been a nice
finish for what I was doing.

It's already better than it was. Previously a user had to log on via the
command line. Run a series of scripts, mv/cp files around, then download a
csv file from the server and then copy the content to the Google Sheet. Now
a user goes to the website, clicks a button and then a few seconds later
receives a link to the spreadsheet.

I'm currently looking around to see if there's any
module/function I could create that could get help me, but I think I may
need to admit that it's quite a bit beyond me.


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