On Fri, 08 Jul 2022 14:59:26 +0200, Ruprecht Helms (privat) 
<rhe...@rheynmail.de> wrote:
Am 08.07.22 um 14:49 schrieb Christian Walde:
On Fri, 08 Jul 2022 12:06:07 +0200, Ruprecht Helms (privat)
<rhe...@rheynmail.de> wrote:

what I see is that Cygwin enables to run linux on a windows-computer.

That is not what it does.

I don't have the time to explain it, but i recommend actually reading
the cygwin documentation before drawing conclusions and making
recommendations based on such conclusions.

This is not my problem.

My post was not a recommendation for you what to use. That part is indeed 
entirely up to you.

It is however a problem if people spread information that is not true or 

As a fellow german i would hope you also value truth and accuracy.

With regards,
Christian Walde

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