I’m in Australia, and it is much the same story.  Perl is not mentioned 
anymore, and it is difficult to find resources.  You only need to look at the 
various “popularity” reviews to see Perl is out of favour.

In my company we use Perl for most everything. Plus a little PHP & Javascript 
for small web things.

We were a start-up and I was the only I.T. person.  I had to write all the 
integrations for every system we installed – it was Perl for speed, or not 
sleeping.  I’ve had to teach three new developers we hired and, to be fair, it 
isn’t the easiest language to learn.

I do worry about the future for us with staffing.  We won’t be able to attract 
talent unless they see a language they think will build out their CV.  I fear 
one day we will be moving to Python.

From: Mike <te...@mflan.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 9:51 AM
To: beginners@perl.org
Cc: William Torrez Corea <willitc9...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Communities or support

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Good question.  I know we are using it here in the USA.
I put in my time on Perl, and now I can whip up a
program mighty fast.  I do so quite often.  And I use it
every day - many times a day.


On 6/14/23 17:44, William Torrez Corea wrote:
Why don't existing communities, use or support the language of programming PERL 
in Central America?
What happened?
Why does nobody use this language of programming in this continent?

Only JavaScript, Java, .NET, Python and other frameworks are promoted and used 
in this continent.

With kindest regards, William.

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