Hi everybody!

I am quiet new in Perl and I got a problem with with the operator

My intention is to open a file, search for the pattern "DT" und replace
the pattern with "SomethingElse"!
The message after using my skript is "4294967294" but this is not what I
want! What I want ist to display the whole file with my replacements.
Maybe it is a more difficult as expected because the file I opend has
got no Line-Feed in it.

Here is my skript:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $datei  ;
my $pattern = 'DT';
my $replacement = 'Something' ;
open ( FILE, 'transa33' ) || die " canīt open file: $!";
        while ( <FILE> ) {
        $datei = ~   s/$pattern/$replacement/ ; 
        print " $datei\n" ;
close FILE;

Many thanks in advance



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