Fist of all thanks for your previous help it really helps me.

Hi, How can do this in Perl TK: I have a radio button with 2 choices Intel or 
3Com in a menu.(it is $after[$_];
But this can be variable it depends (others choice with anothers strings could 
be possible).
How can i do this if the user select the first choise in the menu( ie in this 
case Intel for exemple) I put a variable $NIC="eth0" if he selects the second 

I have this code:
my $cc3 = $menu->cascade(-label => "~NIC");
                for (0..$#after){
                $cc3-> radiobutton (-label=>$after[$_],
                      -value =>$after[$_],
                      -command =>sub {cbkSetLangage});

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