Daniel Falkenberg wrote:
> Curtis,
> Cheers for that that makes alot more sense now :).  Yes your are correct
> about the /etc/passwd file.  It's all well and good to be able to issue
> that command from a command line, but what if I wanted to issue the
> exact same code but from a script?

First a warning.  If you mess with the /etc/passwd file in a multi-user
environment you could screw up your system.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $passwd = '/etc/passwd';
my $backup = '/etc/passwd-old';

rename $passwd, $backup or die "Cannot rename $passwd: $!";
open PWI, "< $backup" or die "Cannot open $backup: $!";
open PWO, "> $passwd" or die "Cannot open $passwd: $!";

while ( <PWI> ) {
    next unless (split /:/)[3] == 45;
    print PWO;

unlink $backup or warn "Cannot delete $backup: $!";

use Perl;

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