I create a dummy file with 4 filenames in it...I have
read these 4 names into @filelist...and when I pass
the array to &wanted, it only looks for the last
file..I KNOW this works with arrays, I've done it
before...why does it keep taking the last value

#!usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Find;

chomp $match;

open(MYFILE, $match) || die "Can't open file: $!";

%files = map {$_=>1} @filelist;
find \&wanted, ".";

sub wanted()
print "Match found at : $File::Find::name\n" if

in addition: how can I put each $b value into an
array...so far, there should be ove 30 "Open Table"
lines in my file...I want a array with all 30 so I can
search for the files. I've tried $filename[$count]
with an incrementing variable...but no joy...

while (defined($b=<MYFILE>)) 
        if ($b =~ /^Open Table/){
                $c = index($b, "As");
                $b = substr ($b,12, $c-14);     
                print "$b\n";   

Does anyone know any good references, beside perl.com
and cpan.org, etc on the web...when I try to hunt info
down I just get sites that cover the basics and
nothing more...if anyone knows of a site that has
loads of eg's of source code and show
intermediate-level array functions, please can u let
me know...


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