Perl 5.6.0
Sun Solaris 2.7

I'd like to send two or more associative arrays (hashes) to a sub.  It looks
like the first one makes it but the values of the second never get passed.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way to do this (I'm hoping
you don't say by reference or I'll have to setup a lot of temporary hashes
to pass one or two key/value pairs on second, third, and fourth args)

#/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

sub phash
        my      (%hash1, %hash2) = @_;

        print "val1 = $hash1{'val1'}\n";
        print "val2 = $hash2{'val2'}\n";

my %h1 = ( val1 => 56 );
my %h2 = ( val2 => 45 );

&phash(%h1, %h2);
$ perl
val1 = 56
val2 =

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