    I have used this example program to telnet to a
different box (from a RH Linux 6.2 box to a FreeBSD
box), but I cannot get the right output.  It appears
to just echo the command and the path.  Any ideas what
I am doing wrong.  I thought it was supposed to print
out the list of who is on the machine.  I know there
are at least 10 people on this machine.  Any help
would be appreciated.

Screen output:
[djh@duke:~/telnet]$ ./run.pl 


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use Net::Telnet ();

$username = "sqa";
$passwd = "sqa";
$machine = "sparky";
my $command = "/usr/bin/who";

$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 15, Prompt =>
$t->login($username, $passwd);
my @array = $t->cmd($command);
print @array;

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