I'll take a whack at this:

At 08:19 11.22.2001 +0800, Harry Varvarigos wrote:
>  I am trying to count the no. of blanks that appear and then break out of the
>loop when all arrays' last elements are blanks/spaces.  I think sprintf 
>will do it but I can't figure it out:
>DGSUM"    +--------------------------------------------------------+\n";
>         for $sr(1 ..9)
>         {
>                 $one = "";
>                 if($place1[$sr] eq ""){
>                         printf DGSUM "    |  %d   |       N/A |",$sr;
>                         $one = "mt";
>                 }else{
>                         printf DGSUM "    |  %d   | %9s | ",$sr, $cwdp[$sr];
>                 }
>                 if($place2[$sr] ne ""){
>                         if($one eq "mt"){
>                                printf DGSUM " %9s |", $place2[$sr];
>                         }else{
>                             printf DGSUM " %9s |", $place2[$sr];  #data 
> in so print to screen
>                         }
>                  }else{
>                       printf DGSUM "        N/A |";
>                       }
>                   if($place3[$sr] eq ""){
>                         $one = "mt";
>                         printf DGSUM "       N/A |";
>                   }else{
>                         printf DGSUM " %9s |", $place3[$sr];
>                   }
>                if($place4[$sr] ne "" ){
>                    printf DGSUM " %9s  |\n",$place4[$sr];
>                }else{
>                    if($one ne "mt"){
>                    printf DGSUM " %9s  |\n", $place4[$sr];
>                }else{
>                    printf DGSUM "       N/A  |\n";
>                    #printf DGSUM "place4=%s\n",$place4[$sr++];
>                }
>                    #printf DGSUM "place4=%s\n",$place4[$sr++];
>            #if (($place1[$sr++] eq "") && ($place2[$sr++] eq "") && 
> ($place3[$sr++] eq "") && ($place4[$sr++] eq "")){
>            #break;}

I see that you tried to use simple if-then-else to solve your problem.  I 
believe that that was failing because you were doing an exact match of 
$place[$sr] to be equal to "" (nothing) but you've already explained above 
that actually, you are looking for white space and "nothing" != white 
space.  Ok.  So, I will hit this at three angles.

1.  Lets consider hitting this from the angle you tried above?  I would 
change the condition like so:
if ( $place[$sr++] =~ /\s|\s+/ ) { ... }

2.  The way I probably would have come at this (and I am still not clear on 
everything but consider that I am now going about your whole project at a 
very different angle than you went using printf) is by actually throwing 
every line of output from gateway into a byte-by-byte check for-loop

3.  splitting my output into the four fields (place1-4[$sr]) would actually 
be a multidimensional array and I would have checked each array element to 
be equal to nothing but whitespace using the same kind of condition I 
mentioned in 1.

>each $place1[$sr] , $place2[$sr] , $place3[$sr],  $place4[$sr] is a 
>dial-in gateway.  I go through each gateway, pluck out its call stats and 
>print them out.  If there's no gateway, I print N/A (that is there are 3 
>gw's per site except for the last one that has 5 gw's, therefore the other
>3 gateway's for their row 4 +5 have N/A beside them here's the output:
>     |            Daily Dial Gateway Call Totals              |
>     |                    for 14 11 2001                      |
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     | DG # | Place1 | Place2 |    Place3   |   Place4  |
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     |  1   |     83018 |      66848 |     87005 |     62313  |
>     |  2   |     76762 |      66734 |     87000 |     62260  |
>     |  3   |     59572 |      57035 |     74555 |     53402  |
>     |  4   |       N/A |        N/A |       N/A |         0  |
>     |  5   |       N/A |        N/A |       N/A |         0  |
>     |  6   |       N/A |        N/A |       N/A |       N/A  |
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     |Total |    219352 |    190617  |    248560 |    177975  |
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>     | Grand Total                               |     836504 |
>     +--------------------------------------------------------+
>I am trying to prevent the last row of N/A from appearing as there is no 
>gateway 6 therefore the rows should stop at
>row 5 and row 6 should not appear.  I have been at this for a while and 
>can't work out how to do this with sprintf
>any ideas ?  thanks in advance
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