Hello everyone,

I'm trying to cycle through a list of servers using Net::Telnet and run
some commands.  My problem is this:  half the servers use one pair of
username/password's and the other half use a different pair of username
and password's.  My question:  how can I get my code to default to a second
pair of username/password's if the first set fails.  I am trying to use the

   $prev = $t->errmode("return");
   $t->login($first_user_name, $first_password) or print "Login failed:
{[ $t->errmsg() ]}\n";
   $t->waitfor(String => 'login:', Timeout => 30);
   $t->login($second_user, $second_password) or print "Login failed:
{[ $t->errmsg() ]}\n";

The above does not seem to work.  The second login attempt yields the
errmsg:   Logging failed: Timed-out waiting for the login prompt and Yes,
(login:) is the login
prompt: I'm using the dump_log method ($fh = $t->dump_log($logfile)) to
verify that 'login:' is
the correct prompt.

I've also tried using Match but it yields no success: ex: $t->waitfor(Match
=> '/login:\W*/i').

Am I using the waitfor call incorrectly?  Does someone know of a better way
to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

Any help/direction would be very much appreciated.



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