With this code, I get :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $ordfile=shift || die "unable to open : $!s\n";

open (LIST, "<$ordfile") || die "unable to open file $ordfile : $!\n";

while (<LIST>) {
#  chomp;      # a)
  my $line=$_;
  print STDERR "\nline : *** $line ***";

line : *** 6M2FD9XV 
line : *** A9Q2YFU8 
line : *** BDE6MDBJ 

If I chang line a) to chomp, I  get

 ***line : *** 6M2FD9XV 
 ***line : *** A9Q2YFU8 
 ***line : *** BDE6MDBJ 

Can somebody explain, what do I need to get lines as complete words with
line breaks etc.


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