Michael Pratt wrote:
> Does anyone know how to go and get a file (with wild cards too) and dump
> them to a specifed directory on a local machine from the internet. weather
> it be ftp or http protocol? If so can I get an example?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::FTP;

my $local_dir  = '/home/Michael';
my $rem_server = 'ftp.someserver.com';
my $rem_dir    = '/pub/some_dir/some_other_dir';
my $rem_id     = 'anonymous';
my $rem_pw     = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $file_mask  = '*.txt';

# change to the directory where we want to receive the file
chdir( $local_dir );

my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $rem_server ) or die "Cannot connect to
$rem_server: $@\n";

$ftp->login( $rem_id, $rem_pw ) or die "Cannot log in to $rem_server:
$ftp->binary or die "Cannot set binary mode: $!\n";
$ftp->cwd( $rem_dir ) or die "Cannot change to directory $rem_dir:

my @files = $ftp->ls( $file_mask );
$ftp->get( $_ ) for @files;


use Perl;

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