>I want to get a consensus here.  Do you think one liners are faster than
>more extensive programs.  Discuss.

Optimized for what?  Speed?  Space?  Future maintenance?

In general, if it's code someone is going to have to maintain, 
clarity is more important than character count. (It's also generally 
the least appreciated attribute of a well-designed program for 
newbies.)  A few minutes to make concepts clear when you're writing 
the code can save hours when it's modified.

If you're going to throw the code away anyway - who cares?  Do 
whatever works.  But make sure you throw it away.

If speed is the most critical factor... you might want to reevaluate 
your choice of language.  Perl's speedy, but code that's been 
compiled and optimized is faster.


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