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At 00:26 12.20.2001 -0500, Steven Hetland wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> >
> > right now i do
> >
> > w | head -1
> >
> > and get what's below my signature. I want to clean that up, cutting it
> > after the # of users, so that everything after AND including the third
> > comma is removed from that line. Then take that and add it to my
> > signature
> > script.
>Maybe I misunderstood.  I thought Ken was asking the opposite of what Jim

Indeed.  He did ask to have the comma removed but I thought he wanted 
everything after the third comma (shrug...hehehe).  I just misread his 
question.  The second solution you posted would be what I would have 
suggested to be the best.

>If you want a least effort solution, you can do it without perl.  Just
>modify your bash script:
>         w | head -1 | cut -d, -f1-3
>A cleaner way would be to just use uptime, as (correction) Jim said:
>         uptime | cut -d, -f1-3
>Since it's a perl list, and you asked how to do it with perl...

Yes.  Thank you for doing this.  I apologize for the OT'ness of my reply. 
:)  Let me continue a perl tradition:

perl -MShell -e 'chomp($uptime = uptime());($a,$b,$c) = 
split(/,/,$uptime);print "$a,$b,$c\n"'

>There's probably a bazillion ways to accomplish this, but here's two ways:
>Example 1:
>chomp($uptime = `uptime`);
>$uptime =~ s/^([\w\s:]+(,[\w\s:]+){2}).*$/$1/;
>print "$uptime\n";
>Example 2:
>chomp($uptime = `uptime`);
>$uptime = join(',',(split(/,/, $uptime, 4))[0,1,2]);
>print "$uptime\n";

- - Jim

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