Hi ,
I try the inflate example . and .... dont work again ....
The error is -3 (Z_DATA_ERROR) , but i can uncompress or zcat in the file 
at the line command of unix.
WHAT IS WRONG ???? or the module dont work ???

the sample is :
     use strict ;
     use warnings ;

     use Compress::Zlib ;

     my $x = inflateInit()
        or die "Cannot create a inflation stream\n" ;

     my $input = '' ;
     binmode STDIN;
     binmode STDOUT;

     my ($output, $status) ;
     while (read(STDIN, $input, 4096))
         ($output, $status) = $x->inflate(\$input) ;

         print $output
             if $status == Z_OK or $status == Z_STREAM_END ;

         last if $status != Z_OK ;

     die "inflation failed\n"
         unless $status == Z_STREAM_END ;

>The problem is very likely your usage of the gz* functions.  It is my
>understanding that compress creates files of a different format; try using
>the uncompress function, or the inflate function.
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>Programmer, System Administrator   www.gallanttech.com

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