
I am seeking advice of a general nature.

I plan to write some software which will interface with another piece of
software which may have various alternative replacements - for example, an
http server.

I intend to write a generic interface module, say 'httpd.pm', and use that
to mask the actual implementations, say 'http-apache.pm', 'http-xyz.pm'.

Presuming that what I propose is poossible, I would appreciate advice as to
the best way of going about this.

To make the requirement more definite, supose I wish to run a script
'control.pl' on each server machine in a network 'control.pl' uses
'httpd.pm'. The control.pl script, or 'httpd.pm', will find that it is
running on hostname Merlot, and (by database lookup or otherwise) that the
server for Merlot is type 'frolix': it will then initialise 'httpd.pm' to
use 'http-frolix.pm'.

How do I cause httpd to use http-frolix, or whatever may be the case? I have
seen some imaginative use of a 'do' clause, but I thought this was archaic.

(I expect to write for perl 5.6.x, and hope to reimplement in perl 6 with as
little effort as can be planned. I do not expect the software to be run on
an earlier generation of perl)

- Roger -

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