On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, ROry O'Connor wrote:

> I'm running perl 5.6.0 that was installed when i installed redhat
> 7.2.  I tried to install a few extra modules with CPAN and it also
> tried to upgrade me to 5.6.1, but for some reason could not
> complete.  I can't really tell what's going on, but some of my
> modules (like DBI) don't work and I can't re-install them.  I think
> it has to do with a half-installed 5.6.1.  I don't know what to do,
> I don't want to destroy anything.  Any ideas appreciated!

Well, if the machine is yours, then I wouldn't worry about 'destroying'

I would try to install perl in one of your home directories, so that you
can build it from scratch and not worry about any of the libraries or
any other quirk that might be left by the perl in /usr/local/ (or

Here's a script that I use to install perl:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#or whatever native perl you have

####### Build perl ########################################
chdir "perl-5.6.1";
system("rm -f config.sh Policy.sh");
    sh Configure -des
        -Doptimize='-DAPPLLIB_EXP="/home/user/perl" '
        -Dstartperl="#!/home/user/apps/perl" ]);

system("make install");
chdir "/usr/include";
system("/home/user/apps/perl5.6.1/bin/h2ph -r . 

Some of this might warrant explanation.

You want to run this in the directory where you unpacked the tarballs
(not the source directory, but the one where you typed:
tar -xvzf perl-foo.tgz -- or something like that)

note: substitute 'user' for your username

the -Dprefix line tells perl where to build the directories.

the -DAPPLLIB_EXP tells perl where to look for user built perl modules

the -Dstartperl is what you want to use as the hashbang line

after you run the script (and if it's successful), then you should go
into the /home/user/apps directory and create a symlink to the perl

ln -s perl5.6.1/bin/perl perl

which will allow you to call /home/user/apps/perl as your executable

And that's it!

It's not the best setup, depending on what you want to use it for.  But
it's a fairly safe setup if you want to have your own installation.

I have a few different production systems that are setup like this,
each with it's own apache, and mod_perl as well.



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