I posted this in a perl forum and was told you all
might be able to help..

I was hoping you might point me in the right direction
on a pretty simple problem. I have spent days just
trying to see HOW to get this done, let alone doing
it. This seems so damn simply but Im running into a
brick wall.

I dabble in Visual Basic, but I am by no means a
'programmer'. Im a hockey player and  I have built a
website for some friends of mine and I would like to
be able to update some stats.

If you have a moment, Please take a look at
http://www.goaliebrotherhood.com and go to the members
stats page. You see my friends and myslelf listed,
along with our stats.

Here is my question: How hard would it be to provide
some input window so that this each of us could update
our stats? Like I said, I dabble in VB and is seems
pretty simple. But I dont know anything about CGI or
Pearl... I am willing to learn, like I said, this
doesnt sound like a mammoth udertaking to me. Its
pretty simple.

GP = Games played.. just goes up by 1 each update. W +
L + T = GP
W/L/T = Win, Loss, Or Tie... Probably a radio button
and then each value goes up by one, depending on which
button is selected.
GA = Goals Allowed(not seen).. Total goals allowed in
all games. the goals you let in.. Input box adds to
the total each update.
GAA = Goals Against Average.Total Goals Against
divided by games played.

Obviously, there would have to be some way to input
which user you, are, a password enter field and a
button to clear the stats at the start of a new
season... Possibly a way to change your password, then
I would need a way to add a new user.. I actually did
get that part built. Check out the site. Pretty
simple, right... WRONG....

First, I started looking for something remotely hosted
that I could just hook up. It doesnt exist. while its
really simple. its pretty specific to a small niche of
people (hockey goalies) and I cant find anything that
will do it. So I started learning cgi. how hard can it
be to make something this simple? well, I started to
get the jist of cgi and found out that my website host
(freeservers.com) wont let me into the cgi-bin.. so
now I not only need to learn cgi and program the damn
thing.. but I need to find a place that will give me a
bin, if that exists.

Anyway. Thats my dilemma, If you know a good site that
can teach me how to do this, I would really appreciate
hearing about it. funny thing is, even after all this
headache.. I still think this will be better than
updating by hand, like I have been doing..

Thanks in advance.

-Michael #39

The Goalie Brotherhood:

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