You need to call $handle->quit (); 


Cabezon Aurélien wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm playing around Net::POP3.
> I wanna make a script that is able to check for pop3 mail and then save them
> in a MySQL database (not implemented yet, usefull for mailing archiving)
> I'm at the start of the script but i have a problem.
> First i check for new mail : OK
> Then i get  mail : OK
> Then i get print mail : OK
> Then i delete the mails : PROBLEM.
> I can't delete them. Why ? an idea ?
> Here is the code :
> ------<cut>-----
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Net::POP3;
> # Variables
> $hostname="";
> $account="securiteam\";
> $password="eniac";
> $timeout ="3600";
> # pop3 connection
> $handle = Net::POP3->new($hostname,Timeout => $timeout) or die "Connection
> au serveur POP3 $hostname impossible.\n";
> # Authentification
> defined($handle->login($account, $password)) or die "Probléme
> authentification ($account, $password) sur $hostname.\n";
> # command list
> $list=$handle->list();
> #############work with each mail##############
> foreach $item (keys %$list) {
> # get mail
> $message = $handle->get($item);
> # print mail (waiting for coding database support)
> @message = @$message;
> print "\n@message\n";
> # del mail
> $handle->delete($item);

    $handle->quit ();

> print "\nMail $item efface\n";
> };
> ------<cut>-----
> Thanks very much,
> regards,
> ---
> Cabezon Aurélien | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | French Security Portal
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