Karsten Borgwaldt wrote:
> Hi all,
> can anybody tell me, why I can't push any read values into an array?
> my code is:
> ..
> ..
> ..
> opendir(IN, "some_path") || die "opendir: $!";
> rewinddir(IN);
> while (defined($_ = readdir(IN)))
>   {unless (m/^\.{1,2}$/ or not m/'.foo'$/) # all files, that are not "." or ".." and 
>that end ".foo"!
>     {push(@my_array, $_;}
typo or copy problem that you don't close 'push (' ?

> }

did you try
opendir(IN, "the_dir") || die "opendir: $!";

while ($_ = readdir (IN))
   if (m/^\.{1,2}$/ or  m/'.foo'$/)
        print STDERR "wrong file ($)\n";
        print STDERR "here's a file ($_)\n";

to see if it ever finds any files?

> ..
> ..
> ..
> I get no errors, but nothing happens.
> If I insert the line
> foreach $item (@my_array) {print "$item";}
> I get no errors, too, but no values are printed.
> Allthough I know there are files in that directory.
> Thank you for all suggestions.
> Karsten
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