Hello John,

Thank you for responding. That's what I like most about this list. Ask
a question, you usually end up getting a "buffet of answers" when all
you could reasonably hope for was a "light snack". :)

I appreciate your time & will keep your response for future reference
as well.

Hungry for knowledge,
K.L. Hayes

Wednesday, January 09, 2002, 8:17:23 PM, you wrote:

JWK> "K.L. Hayes" wrote:
>> Hello All,

JWK> Hello,

>> I've found lot's of info on how to check if a file exists but nothing
>> about checking if a directory exists. I've posted the relevant code
>> below along with 3 variations of how I "think" it might work. If
>> somebody could point to the one that is "correct" or knows of a better
>> way I'd appreciate the help. Thank you.

JWK> No reason to "think" about it.  Read the perlfunc documentation and
JWK> write a small program to test it.

JWK> $ perl -le'
JWK> if (-f $ARGV[0]) {print "file"} else {print "NOT a file"}
JWK> if (-d _) {print "directory"} else {print "NOT a directory"}
JWK> if (-r _) {print "readable"} else {print "NOT readable"}
JWK> if (-w _) {print "writable"} else {print "NOT writable"}
JWK> if (-x _) {print "executable"} else {print "NOT executable"}
JWK> if (-e _) {print "exists"} else {print "NOT exists"}
JWK> if (-s _) {print "size"} else {print "NO size"}
JWK> ' test.txt
JWK> file
JWK> NOT a directory
JWK> readable
JWK> writable
JWK> NOT executable
JWK> exists
JWK> size

JWK> $ perl -le'
JWK> if (-f $ARGV[0]) {print "file"} else {print "NOT a file"}
JWK> if (-d _) {print "directory"} else {print "NOT a directory"}
JWK> if (-r _) {print "readable"} else {print "NOT readable"}
JWK> if (-w _) {print "writable"} else {print "NOT writable"}
JWK> if (-x _) {print "executable"} else {print "NOT executable"}
JWK> if (-e _) {print "exists"} else {print "NOT exists"}
JWK> if (-s _) {print "size"} else {print "NO size"}
JWK> ' bin     
JWK> NOT a file
JWK> directory
JWK> readable
JWK> writable
JWK> executable
JWK> exists
JWK> size

JWK> perldoc -f -X

>> use constant USER_PATH => '/home/~client/htdocs/clients/';
>> $path = USER_PATH . $personal_key;
>> ## Is This Correct? ##
>> if (-e "$path") {
>>         &get_on_with_it }
>>         else { &errorMsg }
>> ## Or This? ##
>> opendir(CLIENT, "$path") or die " &errorMsg ";
>> closedir(CLIENT);
>> &get_on_with_it
>> ## Or Is It This? ##
>> if (-d $path) {
>>         &get_on_with_it }
>>         else { &errorMsg }

JWK> The Perl motto is "There Is More Than One Way To Do It"  :-)

JWK> John

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