On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:47:08 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Hawkins) wrote:

>Seems a good example of how every little question has some merit.  You just
>never know.
>So Hewlett's question gave me an idea.  Just print my scripts to the screen
>with line numbers added.  My life is now better.  Sure beats arrow-down

Hi, I found a nifty little perl module on Perlmonks.org.
It is called Filter::NumberLines

What is nice about this module, is you just say 

use Filter::Numberlines;

in your script, and the lines will be numbered AND the script
still runs.

I can't find a url on the net for it, so here it is:

package Filter::NumberLines;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Filter::Util::Call ;

$VERSION = '0.01';

my $line = 0;

sub import {
my ($type) = shift @_;
my ($ref) = [] ;
filter_add(bless $ref) ;

sub filter {
my ($self) = @_ ;
my ($status) ;
if (($status = filter_read()) > 0)
{ s/^\d+\:\t//; }
$status ;

open(F,"<$0") || die $!;
open(OUTFILE,">$0.bak") || die $!;
$line = 0;
my $no_go = 0;
my $past_use = 0;
{ $line++;
  if ($past_use && /^\d+\:\t/) { $no_go++;last; }
  if ($past_use)
  { $_ = sprintf ("%03d",$line).":\t".$_; }
  if (/use Filter\:\:NumberLines;/)
  { $past_use++; }
  print OUTFILE $_;
if (!$no_go)
{ unlink($0) || die $!;
  rename ("$0.bak",$0);
} else { unlink("$0.bak") || die $!; }

=head1 NAME

Filter::NumberLines - Source filter for Numbering lines.


Just put use Filter::NumberLines; at the top of your source file (below the
It will automagically number your lines starting from the line after the use

  use Filter::NumberLines;


Filter::NumberLines - Source filter for Numbering lines.


Filter::NumberLines requires Filter::Util::Call.

=head1 TODO

Make number of digits in line number configurable.


This code is released under GPL (GNU Public License). More information can be 
found on http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

=head1 VERSION

This is Filter::NumberLines 0.01.

=head1 AUTHOR

Hendrik Van Belleghem (beatnik -at- quickndirty -dot- org)

=head1 SEE ALSO

GNU & GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

Filter::Util::Call - http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=Filter

Paul Marquess' article
on Source Filters - http://www.samag.com/documents/s=1287/sam03030004/


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