Tim Sargent wrote:
> <snip> I'd prefer an efficient and neat method to do all this,
> but am rather stuck.  Any pointers that can get me started down the right
> path would be greatly appreciated...I know there's an answer out there, I'm
> just having a devil of a time finding it.  Sorry for the lengthy post.

 I would store all the possible transformations in an array, containing
 the regex and the replacement string. the iterate over the array and
 replacing each occurences as they are found:

 As for avoiding repeating replacement, I just tweaked the 'green' regex a
 little bit by adding a (?!\.p) at the end ( look-ahead negative
 assertion: the string '.p' must not be found after /GS\d/ )

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use 5.6.0;

my @transfo = (
        [ qr/\b(GS\d{1,2}\.p\d+-\d+\b)/, 'green-atu' ],
        [ qr/\b(GS\d{1,2})(?!\.p)\b/,    'green'     ],
        [ qr/\b(launch)\b/i,             'launch'    ],
        [ qr/\b([BS]\d{1,2})\b/,         'blue'      ],

my $text = <<'_TEXT_';
GS5 launches 3 plasma torpedoes (GS5.p1-3), 
warhead strength 20, speed 32

foreach my $case (@transfo){
        $text =~ s{$case->[0](?!<span>)}
                          {<span class="$case->[1]">$1</span>}ig;

print "Result:\n$text";

<span class="green">GS5</span> launches 3 plasma torpedoes (<span
class="green-atu">GS5.p1-3</span>), warhead strength 20, speed 32

        Two leaping Dahuts. 
        A thrush flying towards the 
        east. Two bears waiting.

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