Hi, I have this code to parse a file and get the hardware address:
sub ParseInitDhcpdconf() {
open VIEUX,"$_Globals{DHCPDCONF}" or die "je ne peux ouvrir
$_Globals{DHCPDCONF} :$!";
        while (<VIEUX>) {

                if (/hardware ethernet /) {
                        s/[^\d:A-F]//g;         # remove anything not 0..9,A..F 
or :
                        print "$_\n";

        close VIEUX;
It works fine but if that comes after hardware ethernet contains a..f in 
lowercase the letter are ommitted.
How can i get rid of this behaviour.
my file looks like this:
host clin09 {hardware ethernet 00:56:9C:6B:8A:15;

but it can be for exemple
host clin09 {hardware ethernet 00:56:9c:6b:8a:15;

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