Hello All,

Could somebody please help me figure out why the following code will
not write the IP address to a file?

I've verified that the code can find the file, open it & overwrite any
junk/test data already there with nothing. I've also printed out the
IP address on the previous page using just the print statement.

sub pcheck {
    if (param('pwd') eq $pw ) {
    open  (CHECK,">${path}dmp.dat") || die "Cannot open dmp.dat: $!";
    flock (CHECK, 2) if ($flock);
    while (<CHECK>) {
    print "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"; }
    close (CHECK);
    flock (CHECK, 8) if ($flock);
    } else  { &invalid_info; }

All help is appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Best regards,
K.L. Hayes

+ "Only two things are infinite, the universe and     +
+ human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."+
+                                 -- Albert Einstien  +

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