On Jan 19, Andrew Koper said:

>I am working on an org chart app.  It is easy to loop through an
>employee list and get an array of everyone who reports to a given user
>ID (say, a vice president), but my logic breaks when I try and loop
>through the list again and get arrays of everyone who reports to the
>managers in the initial array.  Any help?
>$name = 'bsmith';
>open (FH);

What file are you opening?  I guess you have a variable named $FH that has
a filename in it?

>while (<FH>) {
>  (@junk, $sup) = split(/\,/,$_);

Here's the primary problem.  The array slurps up everything returned by
split(), so nothing is put in $sup.  Since, by the name, you don't want
@junk, you should do:

  $sup = (split /,/)[-1];

Meaning, "get the last element of split() and put it in $sup."

>  if ($sup eq '$name') {

You don't want to put single quotes around a variable, and you don't need
any quotes at all.

>     push (@underlings, $_);
>  }
>close (FH);
>foreach $under (@underling) {
>  open (FH);
>  while (<FH>) {
>     (@junk, $sup) = split(/\,/,$_);


>     if ($sup eq '$under') {

Quoting is a problem here, too.

>#this is where it breaks, I need a separate array of underlings for each
>#CDS ID in underlings, but it doesn't know which CDS IDs will be in
>#underlings before it begins. This throws all into one array.
>#Useless for my purpose.
>        push (@under_underlings, $_);
>     }
>  }
>  close (FH);

Once these problems have been fixed, it will be easier to assess the
situation to decide what type of data structure you need.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
RPI Acacia brother #734   http://www.perlmonks.org/   http://www.cpan.org/
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
<stu> what does y/// stand for?  <tenderpuss> why, yansliterate of course.

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