Craig Inman wrote:
> Trying to get this script to 'claimsubmit' ONLY if the system call
> returns STDOUT, but I'm having a little trouble getting my script to
> verify that and act accordingly.

Do you mean you want to capture the output from claimsubmit?  Use
back-quotes (``) or qx//.

> opendir DIRH, "$unknown" or die "Can't open: $!\n";
                ^        ^
Quotes aren't required.

opendir DIRH, $unknown or die "Can't open $unknown: $!\n";

> foreach my $files (sort readdir DIRH)
> {
>     my @claims = (grep(!/^\.{1,2}$/, $files));

grep() reads from a LIST and returns a LIST.  IOW grep is inappropriate

my @claims = sort grep !/^\.{1,2}$/, readdir DIRH;

foreach my $file ( @claims ) {

>     if (system ("zowner $claims[0]"))
>     {

    if ( system( 'zowner', $file ) == 0 ) {

> #    (system("claimsubmit $claims[0]"));     <-- once it works, i'll use this

        system( 'claimsubmit', $file ) == 0 or warn "claimsubmit $file
failed: $?";

>         print "claimsubmitting $claims[0] \n";

        print "claimsubmitting $file\n";

>     }
> }

use Perl;

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