> the original regex that Gordon said "worked" was:
> : >> if ($line =~ m/.*\,.*\,.*\,.*\,.*\,.*/){
> which would match ",,,,," quite happily. perhaps in this
> application it's expected that there won't be anything
> between the commas...

if ($line =~ m/(?:[^,]+\,){5}[^,]+/)) {

should do the trick.  Basically, it works like:

[^,]   - non comma characters
[^,]+  - one or more non comma characters
\,     - comma
[^,]+\,        - one or more non comma characters
                 followed by a comma
(?:[^,]+\,)    - as above, but in non-capturing brackets
(?:[^,]+\,){5} - do this pattern 5 times

Easy huh?  :)

Jonathan Paton

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