On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 07:39:31AM -0800, Peter wrote:
> If we accept the set of word characters as being defined by \w, your 
> problem can be solved with this code:
>         my %word;
>         while (<>) {
>           $word{$_}++ for /(\w+)/g;
>         }
---end quoted text---

Not to forget Perls default settings for split (the same as \w+).

    $_{$_}++ for split;

(It saves about 1 CPU Second for 90000 iterations on my laptop YMMV).

This saves the price of using regex and especially () matches, since
once summoned Perl'll generate $1..$9 for all subsequent regexes, regardless
of if they're needed. 

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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