At 03:40 AM 1/24/02 -0800, Gary Hawkins wrote:
> > >How can I check whether the system is connected?
> > >
> > >Want to pause the script if connection is lost.
> >
> >
> > Instead of trying to check whether "there is an Internet connection," just
> > see whether you can do whatever it is your program is using the 
> Internet for.
> >
> >
> > Peter Scott
>I like that suggestion.  So, how can I determine it based on the success of
>this second line?:
>$request  = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => "$URL");

You wouldn't do it there; that line doesn't use the network.  You mean the 
next line :-)  which I imagine is something like

         $response = $useragent->request($request);

>In the meantime, I came up with the following Win32::API read of a dll
>function, which works.

I don't speak Win32::, so I can't comment on this; since it works, great.
I'd be doing something like

         if ($response->message =~ /timeout/i) { ...

>Supposing that the $request success test above winds up
>in a catch 22 without a way to recover and retry, I would like to find some
>sort of associated method (without ping) to check online state if on Linux.
>Here's the one for Windows:
>if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { use Win32::API; } # top of script
># The 'if' is because, for some ungodly reason my Linux-based
># ISP doesn't have Win32::API installed, imagine that.
>sub CheckOnlineState {                    # elsewhere
>         return if $^O ne "MSWin32";
>         $IsNetworkAlive = Win32::API->new(
>             "SENSAPI.DLL", "IsNetworkAlive", [P], "L");
>         $return_code = "\0" x 4; # reserve some memory for it, why?
>         $IsNetworkAlive->Call( $return_code );
>             # or warn Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError());
>         $return_code = unpack('L',$return_code); # hash otherwise?
>         #print "\nReturn code: $return_code\n";
>         if ($return_code == 0) {
>                 print "\n\n\tConnection lost!
>                        \tRestore and then
>                    press any key to continue...\n\n";
>                 `pause`;
>         }
>         # From C?:  Declare Function IsNetworkAlive \
>       #            Lib "SENSAPI.DLL" \
>         #            (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long) As Long
>         # lpdw apparently = long pointer double word, so, [P].
>         # ... IsNetworkAlive As Long, so, "L", right?
>That allows the script to pick up where it left off when my 2-hr-limit DSL
>connection times out and I reconnect it via the any_key.
>One small problem with the routine is that I see it return 2 for my particular
>connection type if connected but there is supposed to be some associated
>descriptive text along with that, differentiating between LAN or WAN or
>something, and I don't know which is which for 1 or 2 or how to get that text.
>Oh well, zero works.  Thanks to those who responded, all comments were
>appreciated and helpful.
>That's the furthest I've gotten with Win32::API.  Now it's tempting to go
>bonkers looking up functions in dll's and exe's via notepad or QuickView and
>run them from Perl to amuse myself.  Or maybe it has a greater use, maybe 
>would just about faint when they hear this pickup line:  "I access Windows
>API's from Perl all the time, yeah I have complete control of Windows."  :b
>....have to give that a try at Starbuck's first thing in the morning.  Hey I'm
>in Seattle and the traffic has driven us all mad so gimme a break.  :/

I'm across the water in Victoria.  What's "traffic"? :-)
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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