From:                   Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm not much less new than you, but I went through this recently and
> used Sendmail for UNIX server and Mail::Sender for SMPT mail on a
> Windows NT server.

I'm glad my module gets recomended :-)

There are other mail related modules on CPAN, if you do not need 
to be able to send attachments you might like one of those (sorry I 
can't recomend any of them. I'm too lazy so I use Mail::Sender all 
the time.)

Another thing that might not be clear. Mail::Sender may be used 
on any operating system. So you do not have to do it one way 
under Unix and another under Windows.

> (ref ($sender->MailMsg(
>    {to =>$Email, 
>  cc => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
>  subject => 'Subject Text Here',
>  msg => $Message
>   }))
>   and print "Mail sent OK."
>  )
>  or die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
> # (where $Email was pre-set from a web-form submission and $message
> # was
> a pre-set message in the variable)

This last remark made me reply to this email.

Please be carefull with this. You don't want anybody to be able to 
send mails through your script to anyone. Keep in mind that unless 
you test it the $Email may be a LIST of addresses. Mail::Sender 
can take it. So someone could use your CGI script to send spam 
and it would look as if YOU were the spamer. The fact that the list 
of addresses is hardwired in the form that NORMALY calls your 
CGI is irrelevant.

So if you need to do this, restrict the adresses to which the script 
sends emails to certain emails or certain domain(s) if possible. 
Restrict the access to the CGI. Make sure the $Email variable only 
contains one address (or several if necessary, but keep the 
maximum number small). Try to make sure the script is not called 
ten times a second from the same IP address. Etc. 

I'm sure others here can give you a lot more hints.


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
                                        --- me

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