On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:02:31 -0800, David Palomino wrote:
> I am trying to parse lpstat -s output from HPUX. There are two lines
> per "record". It looks like this:

Playing with the $/ might help you a bit here

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

$/ = 'device for';

my $header = <DATA>;

while (<DATA>){
        my ($dev1,$remote,$on) = / ([^:]+):.*?to: (.*) on (\w+)/s;
        print "$dev1,$remote,$on\n";

no system default destination
device for ms331x_lzr: /dev/null
    remote to: ms331x-lzr on spooler1 
device for df447x_lzr: /dev/null
    remote to: df447x-lzr on spooler2 
device for cvacct4_lzr: /dev/null
    remote to: cvacct4-lzr on spooler3 
device for myprinter: /dev/null
    remote to: cvacct5-lzr on spooler3 


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