Greeting's All,

I am currently working on a prorate billing routine for an online form and need a bit 
of guidance. The idea behind the program is to take 19.95 and divde that by the total 
of remain days in the month, using the day of the month the user filled out the form 
as the starting point. 

Getting the Day of Sign-Up and Calculating the cost I can handle, what I'm not sure 
how to accomplish is how do I get the total of remaining days in the month, how do I 
determine how many days that month has, and how do I take into account Leap Years?

I relaize that this should be a basically simple matter so if any one has some 
documentation that I could read that might help me figure this out I would appreciate 
a shove in that direction. I tried doing a search on the web and found some 
Calculating Date information but was still left alittle foggy.

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